How to Use LottoShield Lite Effectively

This article will describe how to get the most out of LottoShield Lite.

When to Perform Audits

  1. In order to compare the movement numbers in the LottoShield dashboard to the End of Day report on your POS, you must make sure that you perform an audit at the time of closing.
  2. It is also recommended to perform an audit at opening, to ensure that there were to ticket movements since closing the previous day.
  3. To get the most out of the app, perform an audit at the end of shifts, so that the shift report can be reconciled against the audit movements in LottoShield.

Reviewing Each Day

To review a day, compare the end-of-day report from your POS to your lottery movement numbers in LottoShield. Once the numbers have been reviewed, click the Review button for that day and check off each box that had no discrepancies.

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 3.43.17 PM

For those that did, leave a note for the reason why. If not known at the time, you may need to investigate and come back to update the review.

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